Chapel Off Chapel Venue In-Kind Grant 2025-2026

This is a preview of the Chapel Off Chapel Venue In Kind Grant Application 2025-2026 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Introduction and Eligibility

* indicates a required field.


The City of Stonnington’s Chapel Off Chapel Venue In-Kind reflects our Creative Stonnington Plan’s vision to be “A vibrant imaginative and inclusive city of culture, where people are inspired, informed and connected through creative expression and shared community.” Spanning a broad range of art forms and practices, this grant supports inclusive, innovative, engaging, empowering, resilient and environmentally friendly projects. Collectively, these place value on the importance of our creativity and cultural identity, and strengthens the social, community and economic development of the City of Stonnington.

More details information is available in the Program Guidelines and Arts and Culture Strategy 2023-2026


To be eligible to apply for a Grant, an organisation must meet all required eligibility listed below:

  • has read and understands the program guidelines 
  • is able to demonstrate alignment between their project and the aims of this program
  • is a: arts organisations, cultural organisations, community groups, emerging artists, and established artists
  • will deliver the project within the City of Stonnington
  • is able to demonstrate financial viability 
  • does not have any pending acquittals, debts or reports owing to the City of Stonnington
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this grant


I declare that I have read and understand the Grant Guidelines and other relevant City of Stonnington Plans and confirm that I am eligible to apply for this grant. * Required