Quick Response Grant 2024-2025

This is a preview of the 2024-2025 Quick Response Grant form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

General information

* indicates a required field.


You must read the Guidelines before commencing your online application. A copy can be obtained from the Community Grants Program webpage - Guidelines.

The City of Stonnington has several key documents in which it articulates its strategic priorities to meet the needs of Stonnington residents. We encourage you to refer to them to formulate your project or program according to Council priorities and strategic objectives.

All questions marked with an * are mandatory. If these fields are not completed, you will not be able to submit your application.

Applicant legal status

All applicants must be incorporated, or be auspiced by an incorporated organisation under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 or under legislative provisions for a charitable purpose. Auspice means the incorporated organisation is agreeing to the management of the grant funds on your behalf. If your application is approved, the money will be paid to the named auspice organisation that will manage the funds on your behalf.

Which of the following applies to your application * Required
Response required.

Conflict of Interest

The Conflict of Interest declaration is required to be completed by the applicant of the Community Grant. The applicant, and/or the person who may be dispersing the grant if allocated must disclose:

  • Any current or prior relationship/connection to a Council Officer, Stonnington Council and/or a currently serving Councillor.
  • The nature of this relationship.

Please note: Any declaration of conflict of interest does not exclude an organisation from applying or being eligible to receive a community grant. 

This information is collected in the interest of the Community Grant Program and Stonnington Council's transparency in ensuring that no applicant is favored or seen to be favored over another. 

Conflict of Interest declaration * Required
Response required.Response required.
N/A if no conflict of interest is being declared.
N/A if no conflict of interest being declared
N/A if no conflict interest being declared
  • A person has a direct interest in a matter if there is a reasonable likelihood that the benefits, obligations, opportunities or circumstances of the person would be directly altered if the matter is decided in a particular way.
  • A person has an indirect interest by close association in a matter if:
    • a family member of the person has a direct interest or an indirect interest in a matter; or
    • a relative of the person has a direct interest in a matter; or
    • a member of the person's household has a direct interest in a matter.
  • A person has an indirect financial interest in a matter if the person is likely to receive a benefit or incur a loss, measurable in monetary terms, as a consequence of a benefit received or loss incurred by another person who has a direct or indirect interest in the matter.
  • A person has an indirect interest in a matter because a conflicting duty if a person:
    • is a manager or a member of a governing body of a company or body that has a direct interest in a matter;
    • is a partner, consultant, contractor, agent or employee of a person, company or body that has a direct interest in a matter;
  • A person has an indirect interest in a matter if the person has received an applicable gift(*), directly or indirectly, from:
    • a person who has a direct interest in the matter; or
    • a director, contractor, consultant, agent or employee of a person, company or body that the person knows has a direct interest in a matter; or
    • a person who gives the applicable gift to the person on behalf of a person, company or body that has a direct interest in the matter.

(*) - An applicable gift currently has a value of $500.00

  • A person has an indirect interest as a consequence of becoming an interested on residential amenity in a matter if there is reasonable likelihood that the residential amenity of the person will be altered if the matter is decided in a particular way. 
  • A person has an indirect interest as a consequence of becoming an interested party if they person has become an interested party in the matter by initiating civil proceedings in relation to the matter or becoming a party to civil proceedings in relation to the matter. 
    • is a trustee for a person who has a direct interest in a matter.